Contact Us


The CoCo is run by volunteers and funded entirely by donations. Would you like to contribute to the Scrabble community by volunteering your time? Do you have an idea for the website or the organization? Are you interested in directing a CoCo tournament? Maybe you have technical or coding skills and could help behind the scenes, or maybe you have a passion for marketing or social media.

Whatever time or talent you may be willing to share, we welcome your energy and ideas. Get it touch with us using the webform here, or email us at info at cocoscrabble dot org.




Join our mailing list to hear about new tournaments and the latest Scrabble news from the CoCo.




We are a volunteer nonprofit organization funded entirely by donations from people like you. We’re committed to financial transparency and publish our budget online so you can track every dollar. Any contribution, large or small, enables us to bring you more opportunities to play and learn.